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How to Read Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato Online in PDF Format


Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: A Classic of Brazilian Literature

Negrinha is a short story by Monteiro Lobato, one of the most influential writers in Brazilian literature. Published in 1920, Negrinha is a poignant and powerful portrait of the life of a young black girl, daughter of a former slave, who suffers abuse and humiliation from her white mistress. Through this story, Lobato exposes the legacy of slavery and racism in Brazil, as well as the contrast between the harsh reality and the rich imagination of the protagonist. In this article, we will explore who was Monteiro Lobato, what is the story of Negrinha, what are the main themes and messages of Negrinha, and why is Negrinha important for Brazilian literature and culture.

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Who was Monteiro Lobato?

Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) was a Brazilian writer, editor, journalist, and critic. He was born in Taubaté, São Paulo, and studied law in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. He worked as a prosecutor, a publisher, and a diplomat. He was also a pioneer in oil exploration in Brazil, and advocated for national sovereignty over natural resources. He wrote fiction, non-fiction, essays, and letters, covering a wide range of topics such as politics, economics, culture, science, education, and folklore. He is best known for his children's books set in the fictional Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (Yellow Woodpecker Farm), where he created memorable characters such as Emília (a talking rag doll), Visconde de Sabugosa (a wise corncob puppet), Saci Pererê (a one-legged trickster from Brazilian folklore), Cuca (a witch-like creature), and many others. His children's books are considered classics of Brazilian literature, and have been adapted into comics, movies, TV shows, and plays. He also wrote several short stories and novels for adult readers, such as Urupês (1918), Cidades Mortas (1919), Negrinha (1920), O Presidente Negro (1926), O Escândalo do Petróleo (1936), and América (1944).

What is the story of Negrinha?

Negrinha is one of the short stories included in the book Negrinha: Contos (Negrinha: Stories), published in 1920. The story tells the tragic life of Negrinha, a seven-year-old orphan girl who lives with her mistress Dona Inacia, a wealthy widow who used to own slaves. Negrinha is constantly mistreated by Dona Inacia and her servants, who call her names, beat her, starve her, humiliate her, and lock her up in a dark room. Negrinha has no friends, no toys, no education, no affection. She only has her imagination, which she uses to escape from her miserable reality. She is fascinated by the cuckoo clock in the living room, by the stories told by Dona Inacia's grandmother at night, by the flowers and animals in the garden. One day, Dona Inacia's nieces come to visit her for their holidays and bring toys and dolls for Negrinha to play with. Negrinha experiences joy and wonder for the first time in her life, but also realizes how miserable and hopeless her situation is. When the nieces leave, Negrinha is punished by Dona Inacia for touching the toys, and she dies of a broken heart.

What are the main themes and messages of Negrinha?

Negrinha is a story that explores several themes and messages, such as:

  • The representation of Negrinha and Dona Inacia: Negrinha is portrayed as a human being who has feelings, dreams, and dignity, despite being treated as an animal or an object by Dona Inacia and her servants. Dona Inacia is depicted as a cruel and hypocritical woman who claims to be religious and charitable, but who shows no mercy or compassion for Negrinha. She represents the oppressive and exploitative system of slavery and racism that persisted in Brazil after the abolition.

  • The critique of slavery and racism: Lobato denounces the inhumanity and injustice of slavery and racism in Brazil, showing how they dehumanize and destroy the lives of black people, especially women and children. He also exposes the contradictions and prejudices of the white elite, who pretend to be civilized and progressive, but who maintain a violent and oppressive social order based on racial discrimination.

  • The contrast between reality and fantasy: Lobato contrasts the harsh reality of Negrinha's life with the rich fantasy of her imagination. He shows how Negrinha uses her imagination to cope with her suffering, to create a world of beauty and happiness, and to express her personality and creativity. He also shows how Negrinha's imagination is shattered by the reality of her condition, which makes her lose hope and die.

  • The style and language of Lobato: Lobato uses a simple and direct style, with vivid descriptions, dialogues, and narration. He uses irony, sarcasm, and humor to criticize the society he portrays, as well as to create empathy for Negrinha. He also uses regionalisms, colloquialisms, and slang to reflect the speech and culture of his characters. He mixes realism and naturalism with elements of fantasy and folklore, creating a unique and original voice in Brazilian literature.

Analysis of Negrinha

The representation of Negrinha and Dona Inacia

Negrinha is the main character of the story, and the one who gives the title to it. Her name means "little black girl" in Portuguese, but it is also used as a derogatory term for black people. Lobato uses this name to show how Negrinha is seen by Dona Inacia and her servants: not as a human being, but as a thing, a piece of property, a worthless creature. Negrinha is described as "a poor orphan of seven years old", "daughter of a black slave", "a little animal", "a little monkey", "a little flea", "a little worm", "a little rag". She has no identity, no family, no rights, no dignity. She is constantly abused, neglected, starved, beaten, humiliated, locked up. She has no friends, no toys, no education, no affection. She only has her imagination.

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: free pdf download

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Monteiro Lobato's Negrinha: a classic of Brazilian literature in pdf

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Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato pdf: summary, analysis, and review

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf ebook for students and teachers

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Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf version of the 1920 edition

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf file with the original Portuguese text

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf book with English translation

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf document with annotations and glossary

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Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf ebook with audio narration

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Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf download with bonus materials and resources

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf file with critical essays and commentary

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf ebook with biographical information and context

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf download with comparison to other works and authors

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf file with themes and symbols analysis

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf ebook with discussion questions and activities

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf download with suggestions for further reading and research

Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato: a pdf file with testimonials and reviews from readers and critics

Dona Inacia is the antagonist of the story, and the one who represents the evil and oppression that Negrinha faces. She is described as "an old lady with white hair", "the widow of Colonel Teodoro", "the owner of many farms", "the president of many charities", "the most devout woman in town". She seems to be a respectable and honorable woman, but she is actually a cruel and hypocritical woman who treats Negrinha as a slave. She claims to be religious and charitable, but she shows no mercy or compassion for Negrinha. She says that she keeps Negrinha out of pity, but she actually enjoys making her suffer. She represents the legacy of slavery and racism that persisted in Brazil after the abolition of slavery in 1888. She also represents the contradictions and prejudices of the white elite, who pretend to be civilized and progressive, but who maintain a violent and oppressive social order based on racial discrimination.

The critique of slavery and racism

Lobato wrote Negrinha in 1920, a time when Brazil was undergoing social and cultural changes after the proclamation of the republic in 1889 and the abolition of slavery in 1888. However, Lobato shows that slavery and racism were still present and powerful in Brazilian society, affecting the lives and rights of black people, especially women and children. He denounces the inhumanity and injustice of slavery and racism, showing how they dehumanize and destroy the lives of black people. He also exposes the hypocrisy and cruelty of the white elite, who exploit and oppress black people, while claiming to be benevolent and charitable. He criticizes the lack of education, health, and opportunities for black people, as well as the violence, abuse, and discrimination they face. He also challenges the stereotypes and myths about black people, such as their inferiority, their laziness, their ignorance, their superstition, their sexuality, their savagery. He shows that black people have feelings, dreams, dignity, culture, and humanity.

The contrast between reality and fantasy

Lobato contrasts the harsh reality of Negrinha's life with the rich fantasy of her imagination. He shows how Negrinha uses her imagination to cope with her suffering, to create a world of beauty and happiness, and to express her personality and creativity. He also shows how Negrinha's imagination is shattered by the reality of her condition, which makes her lose hope and die. Lobato uses several elements to create this contrast, such as:

  • The cuckoo clock: The cuckoo clock in the living room is one of the objects that fascinates Negrinha. She sees it as a magical bird that comes out every hour to sing and greet her. She imagines that it is her friend, that it can talk to her, that it can take her away from her misery. She waits eagerly for the cuckoo to appear, and she smiles when it does. However, the cuckoo clock also represents the passage of time, the monotony of Negrinha's life, the inevitability of her death.

  • The stories: The stories told by Dona Inacia's grandmother at night are another source of fantasy for Negrinha. She listens attentively to the stories of princes and princesses, fairies and witches, dragons and giants. She imagines that she is part of those stories, that she is a princess who is rescued by a prince, that she has a fairy godmother who grants her wishes, that she fights against evil creatures. She enjoys the stories so much that she forgets her pain and hunger. However, the stories also contrast with Negrinha's reality, which is far from a fairy tale. She realizes that she will never have a happy ending, that she will never be loved or free.

  • The toys: The toys brought by Dona Inacia's nieces are another element of fantasy for Negrinha. She sees them as wonderful and beautiful things that she has never seen before. She plays with them with joy and wonder, especially with a doll that looks like a real baby. She treats the doll as if it were her daughter, her sister, her friend. She hugs it, kisses it, talks to it, dresses it, feeds it. She experiences maternal love and care for the first time in her life. However, the toys also represent the difference between Negrinha and the white girls, who have everything that Negrinha lacks. They also represent the forbidden and the dangerous, as Negrinha is not allowed to touch them, and is punished by Dona Inacia for doing so. The toys are the catalyst for Negrinha's awakening and death, as they make her realize how miserable and hopeless her situation is.

The style and language of Lobato

Lobato uses a simple and direct style, with vivid descriptions, dialogues, and narration. He uses irony, sarcasm, and humor to criticize the society he portrays, as well as to create empathy for Negrinha. He also uses regionalisms, colloquialisms, and slang to reflect the speech and culture of his characters. He mixes realism and naturalism with elements of fantasy and folklore, creating a unique and original voice in Brazilian literature. Some examples of his style and language are:

  • The opening sentence: "Negrinha was a poor orphan of seven years old." This sentence introduces the protagonist and her condition in a concise and effective way. It also creates a contrast between Negrinha's name and age, showing how she is deprived of her childhood and innocence.

  • The description of Dona Inacia: "She was an old lady with white hair, very good, very pious. Her mouth was always full of prayers; her hands were always busy with charity work; her eyes were always wet with tears of compassion." This description uses repetition, exaggeration, and irony to show how Dona Inacia pretends to be a saintly woman, but is actually a hypocritical and cruel woman.

  • The dialogue between Negrinha and the doll: "What is your name? - Negrinha. - And mine? - You don't have one. - Why not? - Because you are not a person. You are a doll. - And what is a doll? - A doll is a thing to play with." This dialogue shows how Negrinha talks to the doll as if it were alive, revealing her loneliness and ignorance. It also shows how Negrinha sees herself as a thing, not a person.

  • The final paragraph: "And she died with a smile on her lips. She died of happiness." This paragraph uses contrast and irony to show how Negrinha dies of a broken heart, but also of happiness. It also shows how Negrinha's death is a liberation from her suffering, but also a tragedy that could have been avoided.


Why is Negrinha important for Brazilian literature and culture?

Negrinha is important for Brazilian literature and culture because it is one of the first and most powerful stories that denounce the legacy of slavery and racism in Brazil. It is also one of the most representative works of Monteiro Lobato, who is considered one of the most influential writers in Brazilian literature. Negrinha is a story that reflects the social and cultural changes that Brazil was undergoing in the early 20th century, as well as the challenges and contradictions that Brazil still faces today. Negrinha is a story that reveals the diversity and complexity of Brazilian identity, history, and culture.

How can Negrinha inspire readers today?

Negrinha can inspire readers today because it is a story that touches on universal themes such as human dignity, social justice, racial equality, child rights, female empowerment, imagination, creativity, hope, and love. It is a story that invites readers to empathize with Negrinha's plight, to question their own prejudices and stereotypes, to challenge the status quo and fight for change, to value their own identity and culture, to express their own feelings and dreams, to appreciate the beauty and wonder of life.


Where can I download Negrinha in PDF format?

You can download Negrinha in PDF format from this link: [Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato]. You can also read it online or print it for free.

What are some other works by Monteiro Lobato?

Some other works by Monteiro Lobato are:

  • Urupês (1918): A collection of short stories that depict the life and culture of rural Brazil.

  • Cidades Mortas (1919): A collection of short stories that portray the decay and abandonment of small towns in Brazil.

  • O Presidente Negro (1926): A novel that imagines a dystopian future where a black man becomes president of the United States.O Escândalo do Petróleo (1936): A book that exposes the corruption and foreign interference in the oil industry in Brazil.

  • América (1944): A book that narrates Lobato's impressions and opinions about his travels and experiences in the United States.

  • Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (1920-1947): A series of children's books that feature the adventures of Emília, Visconde, Saci, Cuca, and other characters in a magical farm.

How did Monteiro Lobato influence children's literature in Brazil?

Monteiro Lobato is considered the father of children's literature in Brazil, as he was the first to write books that were specifically aimed at young readers. He created stories that were entertaining, educational, and culturally relevant, combining elements of fantasy, folklore, science, history, and humor. He also introduced new words, expressions, and concepts to the Portuguese language, enriching and modernizing it. He inspired generations of writers and readers, who grew up with his characters and stories. He also founded his own publishing house, which promoted and supported children's literature in Brazil.

What are some controversies and criticisms about Monteiro Lobato's works?

Monteiro Lobato's works have been subject to controversies and criticisms, especially regarding his views on race, politics, and culture. Some of his works have been accused of being racist, sexist, elitist, nationalist, or imperialist, as they reflect some of the prejudices and stereotypes of his time and context. Some of his works have also been censored or banned by different governments and institutions, for being subversive, controversial, or offensive. Some of his works have also been revised or adapted to suit different audiences and sensibilities, for being outdated or inappropriate. However, some of his works have also been praised and defended for being innovative, progressive, and critical, as they challenge some of the norms and conventions of his time and context. Some of his works have also been recognized and celebrated for being artistic, literary, and cultural achievements, as they contribute to the development and diversity of Brazilian literature and culture.

How can I learn more about Monteiro Lobato and his context?

If you want to learn more about Monteiro Lobato and his context, you can:

  • Read his biography: Monteiro Lobato: A Biography by Edgard Cavalheiro (1955).

  • Read his letters: A Barca de Gleyre: Quarenta Anos de Correspondência entre Monteiro Lobato e Godofredo Rangel by Monteiro Lobato (1944).

  • Read his essays: Ideias de Jeca Tatu by Monteiro Lobato (1919).

  • Watch a documentary: Monteiro Lobato: Furacão na Botocúndia by Daniela Broitman (2011).

  • Visit a museum: Museu Histórico e Pedagógico Monteiro Lobato in Taubaté, São Paulo.

I hope you enjoyed this article about Negrinha by Monteiro Lobato. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with me. Thank you for reading! 44f88ac181


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